
Data Strategy for Health and Social Care

Data Strategy 2024 Update: Our progress and priorities

On 16 April 2024, Digital Health and Care and COSLA published an update on progress in the first year of the data strategy.

The update sets out progress in the first year and is based on regular discussions with delivery partners and stakeholders.

We have also published a short executive summary of the update, as well as an executive summary easy read of the update.

Data Strategy

Scotland’s first data strategy for health and social care was published in February 2023.

The result of extensive stakeholder engagement and public consultation, the Data Strategy for Health and Social Care sets out the key elements for delivery in ensuring that data is managed and used consistently and securely, and supporting improved outcomes and the development of new treatments and methods of support.

The strategy sets out what the consistent and improved use of data means for individuals, for health and social care professionals, and for researchers and innovators, as well as setting out how and when its priorities will be delivered.

The analysis of the consultation was further used to inform the development of the strategy and the associated impact assessments, including the equality impact assessment (EQIA).

You can read the:

The Data Strategy Executive Summary is also available as a British Sign Language (BSL) video on YouTube: Scotland’s Data Strategy for Health and Social Care Executive Summary – BSL version,

What does improved use of data mean?

  • As someone using health and social care services, it means that you and those who provide your care get appropriate access to your data and the ability to manage it, meaning better support, a better experience and improved outcomes
  • As someone working in health and social care, it means access to the right information at the right time, supporting you in delivering the right care and support
  • As a researcher in health and social care, it means secure access to the types of data that give insight into health and care support.

Building on our engagement to date, the strategy will continue to develop iteratively, with a programme of further stakeholder engagement events being undertaken throughout the year.

These will initially focus on discussion with health, social care and social work professionals, and those involved in research and innovation, as we explore some of the more complex issues we know exist.  We will also hold face to face engagement sessions with people who use, or who may use, health and social care services, or who support those who do.

The data strategy for health and social care is a commitment set out in the overall Digital Health and Care Strategy, published in October 2021, and reiterated in the supporting delivery plans.