Major Programmes and Architecture
About work area
The Major Programmes and Architecture team is the technical division of Digital Health and Care. We work closely with colleagues and partners in NHS Scotland, Scottish Local Authorities, Healthcare suppliers and other Scottish Government Directorates. We provide guidance, governance, and technical expertise to unlock the potential of digital technologies to enable better healthcare in Scotland. We are working towards achieving the goals set out in Scotland’s Digital Health & Care Strategy, by taking an incremental and pragmatic approach that uses Digital technologies to help ensure that citizens receive suitable care, at the right time, with the appropriate clinician, to deliver better health outcomes more efficiently.
What the area does
The Major Programmes and Architecture Division is responsible for guiding the development and delivery of Digital Health & Care technical strategies and policies. Engagement with stakeholders is vital to the success of these activities, ensuring they have the confidence that information is managed and shared securely, appropriately, and efficiently. To achieve this, we carry out several functions, such as developing and maintaining technical strategies and artefacts, participating in programme and project governance groups and Boards, providing technical advice, communications and reviews, and acting as an ‘intelligent customer” for other Scottish Government policy areas.
Example of work done
The following activities and governance programmes provide an example of some the work the Major Programmes and Architecture team is involved in:
- Defining the National Digital Platform
- Renewal of Community Health Index system
- Scottish Referrals and Clinical Communications (Scottish Care Information Gateway and other projects)
- Oversight of General Practice Information Technology Reprovisioning (new Electronic Health Records systems for General Practice)
- Scottish Health Competent Authority for the Network and Information Systems (NIS) Regulations (Scottish Health Competent Authority )