4 Implement and Scale
At the beginning of this phase, the digital telecare transition team will complete and confirm a clear structure for the new service model.
Utilising the data gathered in this phase to demonstrate the benefits will support at-scale adoption. The plans for the roll-out will be underway.
Activities will include:
- Strengthening local buy-in for the roll-out.
- Delivering additional training (identified during phase 3) for the teams who will deliver the service.
- Reviewing the structure and purpose of the digital telecare transition team will be required.
- A new phase of engagement, marketing and promotion of the service to individual areas and with groups of stakeholders will be launched.
Resources have been shared by each of the Digital Telecare Twinning partners. Partners have indicated whether a resource is useful at specific stages on the Roadmap, or, whether it is relevant across all the stages. Where possible, we have provided links to English language translations.
Agder Resources
Recommendations for welfare technology solutions in the municipalities
Select the title of the website. Open the link in Google Chrome and select English from the translation pop-up. The resource contains recommendations for a range of technology solutions. We suggest that you review the presentation from Agder located in stage 3 of the Roadmap for Service Process, alongside this resource. Recommendations are provided for:
- Location technology (GPS)
- Electronic medication support (electronic medication dispenser)
- Electronic door locks (e-lock)
- Digital supervision
- Upgraded medical signal systems / patient alert system
- Logistics solution for more optimal driving routes and better quality of services
- Digital security alarms
- Response services
- Technical requirements for safety technology
Joint procurement of welfare technology solutions in the municipalities
The National Program for Supplier Development (innovativeanskaffelser.no) assists local public purchasers and offers workshops in smarter procurement for managers, professional leaders and purchasers. Information on this website is provided for ongoing procurements and completed procurements. Select the title to go to the website. Use Google Chrome and select English from the translation pop-up.
Quick guide to implementing welfare technology for children and young people with disabilities
Produced by the Norwegian National Welfare Technology Program in 2021. Providing practical guidance from the initial stages – clarifying needs and defining the goals of the service through to implementation and operation. This resource is useful for multiple stages of the Roadmap. The guide builds on KS’s Roadmap for service innovation and other Quick Guides within the same theme. Select the title to view the English language translation of the guide.
Recommendations for response services for security-creating technologies
The Norwegian Directorate of Health recommendations on receipt of and response to notifications from security-creating welfare technology solutions for municipalities and other suppliers. This document was prepared for municipalities who were required to consider ways to organize the reception of and respond to alerts from digital, security-creating solutions. The document is (in part) recognition that the transition from analogue to digital welfare technology solutions opens new opportunities – how the service provider can communicate with the recipient and how equipment is monitored and controlled. The English language translation of the document is provided. Select the title to view the resource.
Organization and dimensioning of response center service
This report contains the output of a survey of how Norwegian municipalities have organized response center services today, experiences from other countries, economic analysis and discussions based on an economic perspective. This survey is particularly relevant to this stage and stage 5 on the Roadmap. Select the title to review the survey which is in Norwegian.
Organisation of Alarm Reception in Norway and Abroad – surveys and recommendations
On behalf of the Norwegian Directorate of Health, PA Consulting Group carried out a survey of how alarm reception for welfare technology solutions is organized in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Great Britain and the United States. In addition, a survey of how welfare technology is implemented in the different geographies was conducted. The purpose of the comprehensive survey was to give Norwegian municipalities insight and inspiration in the further work with organizing alarm reception and implementing welfare technology on a larger scale. The English language version of the survey is available to view, just select the title.
Process description of joint procurement security and warning technology in Agder
This report describes how a number of municipalities in Agder, that needed to digitize the security alarms and replace and use updated technology, worked together. The municipalities agreed on a joint acquisition of security and warning technology for home care and nursing homes, technical operating solution and technical response center solution. This approach has helped to contribute to a successful anchoring or buy-in among the municipalities. Select the title to view the English language version of the report.
Scotland Resources
Telecare Self-Check Online Tool
Select the title to go to this website resource. It is a useful tool hosted on a nationally accessible health information and advice website. The Telecare Self-Check Online Tool is used by citizens and practitioners and carers. The Tool asks 6 – 12 questions for the individual or a carer to answer. It takes about 5 minutes to complete. Once completed, the individual is given useful information about telecare.