
Digital Maturity Assessment 2024 – Section Nine

Digital Maturity in the Real World

To provide insights into how health and care professionals and other members of the workforce perceive the status quo when it comes to digital maturity, this report draws on our series of topic-specific briefings [2]published on the Festival of Transformation website throughout 2024/2025.

[2] More information, video and summary reports from our briefings on Diagnostic Systems, Therapeutic Systems, Remote Care, Management Systems, Productivity Software, Decision Support Tools, Software as a Medical Device and Integration of Healthcare and Social Care in Scotland can be found at the Festival of Transformation website.

A bar chart comparing views of users of digital solutions with those of non-users.

[A bar chart comparing views of users of digital solutions with those of non-users.]

Based on analysis of verbatim responses to the Assessment’s staff survey, key insights included an inverse relationship between certain types of systems and attitudes towards digital ways of working among different user groups; for example, medical staff users of ePrescribing or Radiology/Laboratory/Image Management systems were less positive about working digitally than their counterparts who did not use those kinds of systems. Analogously, all staff groups surveyed (Medical Staff, Nursing Staff and Social Work Staff) responded more positively about digital ways of working if they did not use solutions like Near me or Teams regularly.

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