Digital Maturity Assessment 2024 – Section Four
Digital Practices Do Not Yet Fully Permeate the Scottish Healthcare and Social Care Landscape
There are noteworthy improvements to key ‘reach’ digitisation metrics (E.g., digital health records, structured data, medicines administration logs, digital care handovers, adoption of digital channels, use of service user IDs and Wi-Fi availability, amongst others) in Records, Assessments & Plans, Medicines Optimisation and Digital Channels.
In other core areas of Digital Maturity (E.g., Business and Clinical Intelligence, Standards and Orders & Results Management, improvements were more often based on (much needed) development of functional capabilities rather than reflecting greater coverage of organisations’ operations (and therefore had no impact on our key ‘reach’ metrics).

[A radar chart comparing 2024 data on ‘reach’ digital maturity indicators with 2023 data.]