
Digital Maturity Assessment 2024 – Section Fifteen

Rich Intelligence Capabilities Can Support Digital Management

Data from the 2024 update to the SG/COSLA Digital Maturity Assessment supports our initial view that the availability of high-quality business and clinical intelligence capabilities in turn promotes digitally enabled leadership.

This image shows a scatter chart. The chart depicts organisations’ scores in management categories on the y-axis and business intelligence categories on the x-axis.

[This image shows a scatter chart. The chart depicts organisations’ scores in management categories on the y-axis and business intelligence categories on the x-axis.]

Organisations showing score improvements for indicators including active monitoring of data quality for digital data used for BI and CI purposes, active management of those data assets, having access to appropriate BI/CI capacity and scalable infrastructure generally also report improvements for leadership-related assessment sections (E.g., Strategic Alignment, Leadership, Resourcing, Governance, Information Governance), underlining that evidence-based, data-driven approaches continue to perform.

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