
Digital Maturity Assessment 2024 – Section Eleven

Workforce Accepting Digital Transformation, but Lacking Skills and Tools

Across Scotland, workforce attitude towards digital ways of working remains cautiously positive; on average, most staff survey participants felt that digital solutions contributed to their effectiveness and efficiency, and helped keep their workload manageable.

A bar chart representing responses to the staff survey questions on benefit tracking.

[A bar chart representing responses to the staff survey questions on benefit tracking.]

Although there has been some progress around topics like Information Governance, Systems and Clinical Safety, skills development programmes enabling digital ways of working remain inconsistent both from a leadership and workforce perspective.

Staff survey responses around digital processes supporting workforce administration, where available, indicate general acceptance among the workforce.

A bar chart showing aggregated responses to questions about availability of skills development, and digital channels for the workforce.

[A bar chart showing aggregated responses to questions about availability of skills development, and digital channels for the workforce.]

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