Digital Maturity Assessment 2024 – Section Eight
Technology Basics Are Not Yet Consistently a Foregone Conclusion
While the assessment continues to observe substantial variances across participating organisations when it comes to the availability of existing digital solutions to their staff, there also remains a substantial difference between what staff from across all areas[1] of healthcare and social care have reported via our staff survey, and the responses given on behalf of leadership in organisations’ assessments.
[1] Includes responses from staff in Nursing or Midwifery, Allied Health Professionals, Medical, Senior Leadership, Department or Specialist Leads, Corporate and Admin Staff, Pharmacists, Dental Professionals, Emergency Call Handlers and Dispatchers, Social Care or Social Work Professionals working in Community Healthcare, Primary Care, Acute Healthcare, Mental Health, Children’s Social Care, Adult Social Care and Ambulance Services.

[A bar chart comparing responses from the staff survey to assessment results (2023 and 2024).]
With the exception of log-in delays, virtually no progress has been made regarding constraints caused by lacking Wi-Fi, unavailability of end-user devices, and mobile-incompatible software.
The significance of those constraints is substantial: Lacking Wi-Fi, a shortage of devices and difficulty accessing systems with available devices featured among the top 5 reasons for underperforming benefits realisation from diagnostic systems, therapeutic systems, general productivity software and remote care applications.

[A pie chart showing reasons for the underutilisation of digital solutions.]