
Digital Maturity Assessment 2024

The Scottish Government and COSLA have published a Summary Report of the 2024 update to the digital maturity assessment. The survey is open to all NHS Health Boards, Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs), and Local Authorities.

The Scottish Government and COSLA commissioned research and insights consultancy Meisterworks to undertake the digital maturity survey across Scotland’s health and social care landscape. The covers three core themes – readiness, capabilities and infrastructure, across twenty sections

Since our last report in December 2023, organisations have used the Scottish Government/COSLA Digital Maturity Assessment to develop their digital strategies, identify priorities for digitisation, and track the outcomes of past transformation efforts.

For the first time, stakeholders are able to gain insights into organisations’ speed and direction of travel relative to a baseline on their journey towards digital maturity. Overall, more than 600 participants from 31 organisations collaborated on the submissions for the 2024 assessment update. Additionally, more than 7,000 general staff from over 20 organisations completed the staff survey.

The ‘Explanatory Notes’ provides information on the methodology used.

A separate digital maturity platform has been developed for social care organisations, for more information and access please contact

We have a range of resources and further analysis available at Festival of Transformation. We also regularly host a number of live sessions discussing the most important aspects of digital maturity, which are recorded for future reference.

Any requests for additional analysis or questions, please contact

The report has been split into sections below:

The full report is also available as a pdf: Summary of Findings

You can read more about our work on Digital Maturity.