Data Strategy update

Scotland’s first health and social care Data Strategy, published in February 2023, sets out the vision and ambition for making best use of data in the design and delivery of services. Our ambitions are to empower people in Scotland by providing individuals clear and easy access to their own data; provide health and social care professionals with access to the right information at the right time; and provide researchers and innovators with safe and secure access to data to aid the development of new treatments to improve outcomes for people in Scotland.  

In order to understand how we are realising the vision and ambitions of the strategy, we have developed an internal delivery plan to monitor the delivery and risk status for the deliverables. By working closely with our partners, we have established a baseline understanding for each deliverable, which will allow us to track progress in an accurate and timely manner. 

Furthermore, to progress towards delivering on the ambitions of the Strategy, we have set up two sub-boards; the Data Delivery Sub-board and the Data Standards Sub-board. The Data Delivery Sub-board is being formed to allow Scottish Government and COSLA to effectively monitor progress of deliverables and programmes of work associated with the Strategy. The Sub-board will oversee delivery and provide a single point to triage data work that has been commissioned for the health and social care sector. The Data Standards Sub-board will allow Scottish Government and COSLA to set out the preferred standards for use across the health and social care sector to drive a common approach to the way in which data is captured to facilitate interoperability. Arrangements are in place for the first meetings to take place early Autumn. Our stakeholders are onboard with the formation of the sub-boards and the internal delivery plan which provides assurance of the strategy’s progression. 

One example of progress made so far is development of the Seer 2 platform. The platform is almost complete, with preparation for launch in early Autumn. Seer 2 will improve our ability to analyse and generate insight from data to improve outcomes. 

We are already starting to see that many of the deliverables are on track, thanks to our partners’ commitment to the strategy. We will report on the progress for Year 1 in early 2024. 

If you would like further information on the data strategy, or would be interested in future stakeholder engagement events, please contact 

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